Latest Past Events

Low Impact Cardio

An Crùbh An Crubh, Camuscross, Duisdale Beag, Sleat

6:00 - 6:50pm Wednesdays over 6 weeks 31 January, 7  February, 14  February, 21  February, 28  February, 6  March Cost: Single session £8 or a 6-session pass for £40. Cash only. No pre-booking necessary; just show up ready to work out. If you enjoy low-impact movement that's...

Death Cafe

An Crùbh An Crubh, Camuscross, Duisdale Beag, Sleat

This Death Cafe will be hosted by Jo Royle & Sheila Hamilton. The Death Café model was developed by Jon Underwood and Sue Barsky Reid, based on the ideas of Bernard Crettaz. The objective is 'to increase awareness of death with a view to helping...

Low Impact Cardio

An Crùbh An Crubh, Camuscross, Duisdale Beag, Sleat

6:00 - 6:50pm Wednesdays over 6 weeks 31 January, 7  February, 14  February, 21  February, 28  February, 6  March Cost: Single session £8 or a 6-session pass for £40. Cash only. No pre-booking necessary; just show up ready to work out. If you enjoy low-impact movement that's...